So I told myself I was going to blog regularly so I could keep all those who care up to date on what's going on in the adoption process Right now we are faced with writing an autobiography.Not just any autobiography mind you...but eight to ten pages of our life and everything personal or important to us, put down on paper. Not an easy task. It is very overwelming to say the least. We of course have nothing to hide, but it is awkward giving all that info to people we don't even know. And as luck would have it, we are trying to get all the homestudy stuff done with all our day to day stuff still to do at the same time. The kids are back in school so that might help us find extra hours during the day.
I feel alittle guilty complaining about the homestudy,(but I still do of course). I was reading a blog today from someone who has already adopted from Ethiopia.She had some heart wrenching and humbling stats.
*Only 24% of households have access to clean
drinking water.
*82% of the populaton survives on less than
a dollar per day.
* One in ten children die before their first
* One in six will die before age five.
I want so badly to go and rescue all of the children in danger.They are in danger!
"Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the father, is this:to care for orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world." James 1:27
This is what God has called us to do.So I will claim this when I start to feel sorry for myself and complain.There is no other way I will make it thru this process without claiming God's promises. I cringe and sometimes feel like I can't do what's required of us in this adoption.But, God tells us we are "more than conquerors"Rom 8:37, against the things of this world.So please pray for us. That God would be present and give us the strength and patience to do what needs done.
We know there is a little one waiting. They are so far away. God, please keep our little one safe until you bring them home to us.Amen.
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