Monday, October 11, 2010

Mighty Men !

I had an interesting few days.At church Sunday morning, our pastor challenged men to be mighty men for God. Our pastor spoke about David, and how he was chosen by God. 1 Samuel 16:1" ....I will send you to Jesse the Bethlehemite,for I have selected a king for Myself among his sons."God chose the smallest and the least likely of the eight sons.Isn't that just like God? Jump ahead to 1 Samuel 17:4.The Philistines and Israel were in battle.The Philistines sent out Goliath to challenge them.He was 9 ft tall and just his breast plate alone weighed 125 lbs.He wanted to defeat Israels mightiest warrior and then the men of Isreal would become their servants.David convinced Saul to let him fight Goliath.He went to Goliath and said,"You come to me with a sword,a spear, and a javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel whom you have taunted.This day the Lord will deliver you up into my hands, and I will strike you down and remove your head from you..."
David slung a stone at Goliath in v49 and struck him in the head and killed him and removed his head like he said he would.What a mighty worrior for God he was. Our pastor was calling the men of our church to be like David. Pray to God and experience the power that comes from prayer.To not be afraid to worship God or speak His name in public for fear of making people uncomfortable.To stand strong in the name of Jesus when times are tough.To pray daily for his wife and children and be a spiritual leader in his home.I accept the challenge and commit to pray every day for 30 days for myself and the men in my church.How awesome would it be to see a movement from God like we have never seen. I have seen God do some incredible things in my church in the short time we have been there.I know He can now.
On Sunday evening I went to our small group study. I am certain that God not only led us to this church, but to the living room full of people who love God and seek after Him.We consider these people our friends and I have a great deal of respect for them.I look forward to seeing them every week.Sunday was one of the best times I've had there.They are good people.Love you guys!!!
We are studying end times right now.I won't get into alot of detail because I admit, I don't really understand much of it.There are many different takes on the subject.This is what I believe.Someday soon,God will call the christians who love and follow Him to heaven and we will leave this sad planet.There is the seven year tribulation,and a thousand years of peace.Sorry Satan, God wins in the end.That is the condensed version, but the point is, God is coming soon and in the end all of us will go to be with Him or spend eternity in Hell.
If you are not sure you are saved, find a way to be sure.Jesus died to free us from our sin so we could be with Him.Contact me and I will pray with you if you want. I hadn't planned to put that in there, but felt I needed to.Well enough for now.

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